Tory Family Farm, Guysborough, NSOriginally from Scotland, the Tory family's Loyalist ancestor, James Tory, arrived in Nova Scotia in 1773 and settled with his wife, Christine Kirk at Guysborough, Nova Scotia. Members of Christine’s family settled in Antigonish. There are Torey descendants still in Nova Scotia, particularly in the Guysborough area, but the family is now spread throughout Canada and the USA.
This photo of the Tory family farm in Guysborough County, was sent to me by a friend and cousin, Don Torey of Larchmont, New York. He told me that the farm is still owned by members of the Tory family. -
The Torey Brothers of New GlasgowThis Waldren photo is the only known, formal picture of all six of the Torry brothers together. The Waldren Studio was located directly across the street from Torry's Book & Toy Store. The Waldren's were considered family friends and there are several family photos from their studio, in our collection and in the Dalhousie University collection.
The brothers seated from left to right in the front, are Jonathan "Jon" Torey , Clifford Lewis Torey, and James Burton "Jim" Torey. At the back from left to right are William Henry "Will" Torry, Harold "Harry" Torry and Edwin "Ed" Torey. There were also two sisters, Sarah and Frances. Their parents were John W. Torey and Sarah Hull, of Middle Manchester in Guysborough County.
Torry Family at Jim & Bella's HomeFront left to right: Rae ROSS [1084], Bella ADAMS [1069], probably Edna FALCOLNER [1085] (baby in front is probably one of Jon & Edna's daughters Doris or Edna), and Carita TOREY?.
Back from left to right: Jon?, Will and James B. TOREY.
This photo appears to have been taken in back living room of James & Bella's home at 208 Brookside Ave. in New Glasgow. Photographer was probably one of the other TOREY brothers.